Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Le Petit Prince....

Dessine-moi un mouton! As much as my French teacher would love to see this blog in French, it's not happening. I had to read Le Petit Prince(The Little Prince) for French class this year, and it was amazing. Sure it's a children's book written by French author Antoine De Saint-Exupery, but it's required reading even in some college courses. This book is full of philosophy, and great life lessons. After I got out of school for the summer I went to the bookstore, and found The Little Prince in English and wondered if it was closely translated. So I read it, and it was almost exactly like the French version. So, if you don't speak French, read the English translation. It's an amazing book. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

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