Monday, July 5, 2010


I've always loved reading books in which a character has the same name as me. That's why when I saw Geek High and Geek Abroad by Piper Banks I was super excited. The main character Miranda Bloom sounded just like me from what I read on the back of the books. However, I am far from being a math genius and I don't have an evil step-mother. I greatly enjoyed reading these first two books, and I recently noticed that Piper Banks wrote a new book for the series. Summer of the Geek was probably the best book that Piper Banks has written so far. The story was interesting and always kept me guessing. Poor Miranda, her life is much more complicated than a geek's life should be. Now, the only thing wrong with this book probably can't be blamed on Piper Banks. There were so many typos and grammatical errors in this book, that I had to stop myself from reaching for a red pen and correcting them all. For one paragraph, Mrs. Fisher changed to Mrs. Fox, and this wasn't the only name issue. I'm pretty sure that Dex was never dating Hannah, and I'm also positive that Hannah and Hanna are the same person despite what the book says in two paragraphs. Also, why did Mrs. Fisher introduce her daughter to her husband? Plus I don't know how Finn could magically talk when he isn't even around. Besides the name mistakes, the typos were annoying and somewhat confusing, and unless you're Donald Trump, people feel bad, not badly. Of course my all time favorite line in the book was when Miranda said "I stopped smiling and ran a tongue over my teeth." So not only is Miranda a geek, but she has more than one tongue. No wonder Dex likes to kiss her so much. Even though this was a great book, there will be a proof reader out of a job soon.


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