Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Spy...

I just read a romance novel....I know, but I couldn't resist. This one was called I Spy a Wicked Sin, written by Jo Davis. I've been so busy lately with school just starting, but I found a few hours here and there to page through this very very descriptive novel. It's full of assassin's and spies, and romance. Come on ladies, you know you would love reading this book, I mean seriously just look at the cover.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

City of Ember

So last summer I was in the bookstore and I was looking for something to read. I was in the teen section and started looking around. Every book I picked up was either about vampires or stupid girls that like to be brats. I was so annoyed! So, I decided to do something I hadn't done in a really really long time, go to the children's section of the bookstore. Since the children's section was clear of any vampires I started checking out books. It was nice looking at books that didn't say "I made-out with a vampire and he was in sunlight but didn't die because I don't really know anything about vampires but they are all awesome and I want to be cool." or "I was mean to that girl and she was mean to me so I stole her favorite angora sweater and she stole my boyfriend so I texted her and she emailed me and I was like whtevr c u l8tr i cant spel or press shift cuz its 2 hrd." Anyways, I found the City of Ember books and decided to read them since I saw the movie and books are always better. The books are about these people who lived in an underground city and don't know that there is a way out which is bad since their electric isn't working well and nobody can fix it since they pick their jobs out of a hat and are very unqualified for some. I was so amazed at how Jeanne DuPrau developed the series. It was such an interesting and original story. She did a great job with the third book especially. Even though it didn't seem to have much to do with the other books it really did. The last book was probably the best one. I liked the ending which everyone will after reading the whole series. Ever read a book that ended horribly and you knew it could have ended way better? This isn't one of them. Even if you're super old you'll love this book. Sometimes children's books can be better than age appropriate ones.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series is getting better and better. I've recently read Only the Good Spy Young and I am amazed at how this series has changed. In her first book the main character Cammie basically uses her spy training to stalk a boy, and now she's really changing into the spy she's meant to be. I really think this series is fun to read. It's basically written for teenage girls, so I don't really think a boy would enjoy it too much. The newest book in the series was probably the best one so far, but sometimes Ally Carter uses a few words that a teenage girl wouldn't use. Cammie often says words in the book like slappage. I love Ally Carter's books, but I'm pretty sure teenage girls don't add -age to the end of any words. So despite the laughage that is caused by Ally's wordage, I loved her book. It's very good readage for any teen girls or preteen girls. I'm dying to find out what happens to Cammie next. Hopefully Ally will get hurry and get out some more Gallagher Girl books. I think that's enough girlie bookage for a few weeks. I realize it's not even August but I just got a homework assignment in the mail from my English teacher. So I will be reading Shakespeare for a really long long long time....Hopefully I should get some other readage in and do some blogage soon. Oh, and if anyone wants signed Ally Carter books, they have some at the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. Have fun reading about some spyage! These books really are great!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010


I've always loved reading books in which a character has the same name as me. That's why when I saw Geek High and Geek Abroad by Piper Banks I was super excited. The main character Miranda Bloom sounded just like me from what I read on the back of the books. However, I am far from being a math genius and I don't have an evil step-mother. I greatly enjoyed reading these first two books, and I recently noticed that Piper Banks wrote a new book for the series. Summer of the Geek was probably the best book that Piper Banks has written so far. The story was interesting and always kept me guessing. Poor Miranda, her life is much more complicated than a geek's life should be. Now, the only thing wrong with this book probably can't be blamed on Piper Banks. There were so many typos and grammatical errors in this book, that I had to stop myself from reaching for a red pen and correcting them all. For one paragraph, Mrs. Fisher changed to Mrs. Fox, and this wasn't the only name issue. I'm pretty sure that Dex was never dating Hannah, and I'm also positive that Hannah and Hanna are the same person despite what the book says in two paragraphs. Also, why did Mrs. Fisher introduce her daughter to her husband? Plus I don't know how Finn could magically talk when he isn't even around. Besides the name mistakes, the typos were annoying and somewhat confusing, and unless you're Donald Trump, people feel bad, not badly. Of course my all time favorite line in the book was when Miranda said "I stopped smiling and ran a tongue over my teeth." So not only is Miranda a geek, but she has more than one tongue. No wonder Dex likes to kiss her so much. Even though this was a great book, there will be a proof reader out of a job soon.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Le Petit Prince....

Dessine-moi un mouton! As much as my French teacher would love to see this blog in French, it's not happening. I had to read Le Petit Prince(The Little Prince) for French class this year, and it was amazing. Sure it's a children's book written by French author Antoine De Saint-Exupery, but it's required reading even in some college courses. This book is full of philosophy, and great life lessons. After I got out of school for the summer I went to the bookstore, and found The Little Prince in English and wondered if it was closely translated. So I read it, and it was almost exactly like the French version. So, if you don't speak French, read the English translation. It's an amazing book. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Silent Gondoliers

The Silent Gondoliers is the less famous book written by William Goldman, author of The Princess Bride. It's a quick read and it's really cute. Luigi has always wanted to be a gondolier, there's only one problem...he can't sing! Of course I've never heard of singing gondoliers, and this story explains why. So poor Luigi can't become a gondolier because he is a horrible singer, even though he is probably the most skilled gondolier around. Did I mention the girl he's in love with won't date him because he's not a gondolier? Luigi has a tough journey ahead of him. Will he ever fulfill his dream of being a gondolier and singing loud on his boat in the middle of the grand canal? Read the book to find out.


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Silver Bear

I recently read a great book called The Silver Bear. I read that the book is the first by Derek Haas and I could hardly believe it. He's written screenplays before, but for a first book, it was amazing!!! This book is so exciting and has such an interesting story to it. The main character is an assassin named Columbus who is super cool! I kept thinking the whole book, come on Columbus it doesn't matter if you're an assassin, you still have a soft spot don't you? Now I realize it was crazy to think that because Columbus is such an amazing character in the fact that he is so realistic. He's a tough assassin and there's no changing that. Or at least not yet. I haven't gotten around to reading the sequel yet, but when I do, there will be another blog. This book is definitely worth reading. Derek Haas is a great author and I'm sure that the sequel is just as good, if not better.