Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Le Petit Prince....

Dessine-moi un mouton! As much as my French teacher would love to see this blog in French, it's not happening. I had to read Le Petit Prince(The Little Prince) for French class this year, and it was amazing. Sure it's a children's book written by French author Antoine De Saint-Exupery, but it's required reading even in some college courses. This book is full of philosophy, and great life lessons. After I got out of school for the summer I went to the bookstore, and found The Little Prince in English and wondered if it was closely translated. So I read it, and it was almost exactly like the French version. So, if you don't speak French, read the English translation. It's an amazing book. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Silent Gondoliers

The Silent Gondoliers is the less famous book written by William Goldman, author of The Princess Bride. It's a quick read and it's really cute. Luigi has always wanted to be a gondolier, there's only one problem...he can't sing! Of course I've never heard of singing gondoliers, and this story explains why. So poor Luigi can't become a gondolier because he is a horrible singer, even though he is probably the most skilled gondolier around. Did I mention the girl he's in love with won't date him because he's not a gondolier? Luigi has a tough journey ahead of him. Will he ever fulfill his dream of being a gondolier and singing loud on his boat in the middle of the grand canal? Read the book to find out.


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Silver Bear

I recently read a great book called The Silver Bear. I read that the book is the first by Derek Haas and I could hardly believe it. He's written screenplays before, but for a first book, it was amazing!!! This book is so exciting and has such an interesting story to it. The main character is an assassin named Columbus who is super cool! I kept thinking the whole book, come on Columbus it doesn't matter if you're an assassin, you still have a soft spot don't you? Now I realize it was crazy to think that because Columbus is such an amazing character in the fact that he is so realistic. He's a tough assassin and there's no changing that. Or at least not yet. I haven't gotten around to reading the sequel yet, but when I do, there will be another blog. This book is definitely worth reading. Derek Haas is a great author and I'm sure that the sequel is just as good, if not better.

The Uglies Series

I chose this series to talk about first because I love it so much. Scott Westerfeld is an amazing author who writes books that are fun to read. There are four books in the series, Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras. They take place in the future where everyone gets to have a special operation when they turn sixteen that makes them pretty. Everyone in the book believes that they were born ugly, and that the only way to be beautiful was to have the pretty operation. The main character, Tally is about to turn sixteen when a new friend, Shay, changes everything. These four books are definately worth reading. Scott Westerfeld did a wonderful job. Oh, and when you read the first book, it might say it's a trilogy, but don't let it fool you, there are four books in the series. Plus Bogus to Bubbly, also by Scott Westerfeld, is entertaining to read after reading the Uglies series. Have fun!

First Blog!!!

I created this blog to review books and suggest ones that are worth reading. I'll talk about books that I have read without ruining the story and hopefully people will read them too.