Thursday, August 5, 2010

City of Ember

So last summer I was in the bookstore and I was looking for something to read. I was in the teen section and started looking around. Every book I picked up was either about vampires or stupid girls that like to be brats. I was so annoyed! So, I decided to do something I hadn't done in a really really long time, go to the children's section of the bookstore. Since the children's section was clear of any vampires I started checking out books. It was nice looking at books that didn't say "I made-out with a vampire and he was in sunlight but didn't die because I don't really know anything about vampires but they are all awesome and I want to be cool." or "I was mean to that girl and she was mean to me so I stole her favorite angora sweater and she stole my boyfriend so I texted her and she emailed me and I was like whtevr c u l8tr i cant spel or press shift cuz its 2 hrd." Anyways, I found the City of Ember books and decided to read them since I saw the movie and books are always better. The books are about these people who lived in an underground city and don't know that there is a way out which is bad since their electric isn't working well and nobody can fix it since they pick their jobs out of a hat and are very unqualified for some. I was so amazed at how Jeanne DuPrau developed the series. It was such an interesting and original story. She did a great job with the third book especially. Even though it didn't seem to have much to do with the other books it really did. The last book was probably the best one. I liked the ending which everyone will after reading the whole series. Ever read a book that ended horribly and you knew it could have ended way better? This isn't one of them. Even if you're super old you'll love this book. Sometimes children's books can be better than age appropriate ones.